Wavelet Transformation and Spectral Subtraction Method in Performing Automated Rindik Song Transcription


  • Yuriko Christian Universitas Udayana
  • I Dewa Made Bayu Atmaja Darmawan Universitas Udayana




Rindik, Automatic Music Transcription, Wavelet Transformation, Spectral Subtraction


Rindik is Balinese traditional music consisting of bamboo rods arranged horizontally and played by hitting the rods with a mallet-like tool called "panggul". In this study, the transcription of Rindik's music songs was carried out automatically using the Wavelet transformation method and spectral subtraction. Spectral subtraction method is used with iterative estimation and separation approaches. While the Wavelet transformation method is used by matching the segment Wavelet results with the Wavelet result references in the dataset. The results of the transcription were also synthesized again using the concatenative synthesis method. The data used is the hit of 1 Rindik rod and a combination of 2 Rindik rods that are hit simultaneously, and for testing the system, 4 Rindik songs are used. Each data was recorded 3 times. Several parameters are used for the Wavelet transformation method and spectral subtraction, which are the length of the frame for the Wavelet transformation method and the tolerance interval for frequency difference in spectral subtraction method. The test is done by measuring the accuracy of the transcription from the system within all Rindik song data. As a result, the Wavelet transformation method produces an average accuracy of 83.42% and the spectral subtraction method produces an average accuracy of 78.51% in transcription of Rindik songs.

Author Biographies

Yuriko Christian, Universitas Udayana

Program Studi Informatika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

I Dewa Made Bayu Atmaja Darmawan, Universitas Udayana

Program Studi Informatika, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam




How to Cite

Christian, Y., & Darmawan, I. D. M. B. A. (2022). Wavelet Transformation and Spectral Subtraction Method in Performing Automated Rindik Song Transcription. Jurnal Ilmu Komputer Dan Informasi, 15(1), 9–19. https://doi.org/10.21609/jiki.v15i1.1009